Case Study

Jun 30, 2023

Terpli: Empowering Cannabis Retailers with AI-Driven Recommendations

How Terpli, the game-changing AI budtender, is transforming the cannabis ecommerce landscape.

Challenge: Revolutionizing the Cannabis Retail Experience

In an industry as competitive as cannabis, retailers face the challenge of standing out from the crowd and delivering a truly personalized shopping experience. Recognizing this need, Terpli was developed to provide cutting-edge AI-driven recommendations that would set retailers apart, drive customer loyalty, and boost revenue.

Solution: Terpli's Unparalleled AI-Powered Recommendations

Terpli emerged as the ultimate solution, seamlessly integrating with existing ecommerce and Point-of-Sale (POS) platforms to deliver personalized recommendations that cater to the unique preferences of each customer. By leveraging interactive content and advanced algorithms, Terpli empowers retailers to guide their customers through a vast array of product options, ensuring they find the perfect match every time.

Powered by its integration with Alpine IQ (AIQ), Terpli optimizes the customer journey by incentivizing engagement and capturing valuable insights. The combination of customer preferences and direct product reviews enables retailers to truly understand consumer demand and create tailored recommendations that exceed expectations.

Unveiling the Results: Unprecedented Growth and Customer Satisfaction

The impact of Terpli on the businesses of our esteemed retail partners during the pilot period was nothing short of extraordinary. Let the numbers speak for themselves:

Exponential Returns: Terpli delivered an impressive 19.5x return on investment (ROI), far surpassing expectations and proving its value as a revenue-generating tool.

Influential Recommendations: Terpli provided over 11,600 personalized product recommendations to more than 7,600 unique customers, resulting in a staggering $90,000 of Terpli-influenced product sales, contributing to a substantial $469,000 in total cart size.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Terpli's seamless integration facilitated 270 new loyalty member sign-ups, cultivating a dedicated customer base and driving repeat business.

Revenue Surge: Retailers experienced a remarkable average monthly spend increase of 56% for Terpli Users and 29% for Terpli Reviewers, directly impacting their bottom line.

Unleashing CLTV Potential: Terpli's influence on Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) was astounding, boosting it by 118% for Terpli Users and an exceptional 789% for Terpli Reviewers, securing long-term revenue growth. 

Unveiling New Frontiers: Innovating the Cannabis Retail Landscape

Our journey with Terpli is far from over. As we continue to push the boundaries of AI-driven cannabis retail, we have exciting developments on the horizon:

Edibles Recommendations: Terpli will extend its expertise with ChatGPT to provide personalized recommendations for edibles, catering to the evolving preferences of cannabis consumers through Generative AI.

Sponsored Products (Retailer Revenue Stream): Terpli's introduction of sponsored products will create new revenue opportunities for retailers while enhancing product visibility in the competitive marketplace.

AIQ Outreach and Customer Archetyping: Leveraging AIQ's advanced analytics capabilities, Terpli will empower retailers to conduct targeted outreach and customer archetyping, further optimizing engagement and conversions.

Challenge: Revolutionizing the Cannabis Retail Experience

In an industry as competitive as cannabis, retailers face the challenge of standing out from the crowd and delivering a truly personalized shopping experience. Recognizing this need, Terpli was developed to provide cutting-edge AI-driven recommendations that would set retailers apart, drive customer loyalty, and boost revenue.

Solution: Terpli's Unparalleled AI-Powered Recommendations

Terpli emerged as the ultimate solution, seamlessly integrating with existing ecommerce and Point-of-Sale (POS) platforms to deliver personalized recommendations that cater to the unique preferences of each customer. By leveraging interactive content and advanced algorithms, Terpli empowers retailers to guide their customers through a vast array of product options, ensuring they find the perfect match every time.

Powered by its integration with Alpine IQ (AIQ), Terpli optimizes the customer journey by incentivizing engagement and capturing valuable insights. The combination of customer preferences and direct product reviews enables retailers to truly understand consumer demand and create tailored recommendations that exceed expectations.

Unveiling the Results: Unprecedented Growth and Customer Satisfaction

The impact of Terpli on the businesses of our esteemed retail partners during the pilot period was nothing short of extraordinary. Let the numbers speak for themselves:

Exponential Returns: Terpli delivered an impressive 19.5x return on investment (ROI), far surpassing expectations and proving its value as a revenue-generating tool.

Influential Recommendations: Terpli provided over 11,600 personalized product recommendations to more than 7,600 unique customers, resulting in a staggering $90,000 of Terpli-influenced product sales, contributing to a substantial $469,000 in total cart size.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Terpli's seamless integration facilitated 270 new loyalty member sign-ups, cultivating a dedicated customer base and driving repeat business.

Revenue Surge: Retailers experienced a remarkable average monthly spend increase of 56% for Terpli Users and 29% for Terpli Reviewers, directly impacting their bottom line.

Unleashing CLTV Potential: Terpli's influence on Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) was astounding, boosting it by 118% for Terpli Users and an exceptional 789% for Terpli Reviewers, securing long-term revenue growth. 

Unveiling New Frontiers: Innovating the Cannabis Retail Landscape

Our journey with Terpli is far from over. As we continue to push the boundaries of AI-driven cannabis retail, we have exciting developments on the horizon:

Edibles Recommendations: Terpli will extend its expertise with ChatGPT to provide personalized recommendations for edibles, catering to the evolving preferences of cannabis consumers through Generative AI.

Sponsored Products (Retailer Revenue Stream): Terpli's introduction of sponsored products will create new revenue opportunities for retailers while enhancing product visibility in the competitive marketplace.

AIQ Outreach and Customer Archetyping: Leveraging AIQ's advanced analytics capabilities, Terpli will empower retailers to conduct targeted outreach and customer archetyping, further optimizing engagement and conversions.

Challenge: Revolutionizing the Cannabis Retail Experience

In an industry as competitive as cannabis, retailers face the challenge of standing out from the crowd and delivering a truly personalized shopping experience. Recognizing this need, Terpli was developed to provide cutting-edge AI-driven recommendations that would set retailers apart, drive customer loyalty, and boost revenue.

Solution: Terpli's Unparalleled AI-Powered Recommendations

Terpli emerged as the ultimate solution, seamlessly integrating with existing ecommerce and Point-of-Sale (POS) platforms to deliver personalized recommendations that cater to the unique preferences of each customer. By leveraging interactive content and advanced algorithms, Terpli empowers retailers to guide their customers through a vast array of product options, ensuring they find the perfect match every time.

Powered by its integration with Alpine IQ (AIQ), Terpli optimizes the customer journey by incentivizing engagement and capturing valuable insights. The combination of customer preferences and direct product reviews enables retailers to truly understand consumer demand and create tailored recommendations that exceed expectations.

Unveiling the Results: Unprecedented Growth and Customer Satisfaction

The impact of Terpli on the businesses of our esteemed retail partners during the pilot period was nothing short of extraordinary. Let the numbers speak for themselves:

Exponential Returns: Terpli delivered an impressive 19.5x return on investment (ROI), far surpassing expectations and proving its value as a revenue-generating tool.

Influential Recommendations: Terpli provided over 11,600 personalized product recommendations to more than 7,600 unique customers, resulting in a staggering $90,000 of Terpli-influenced product sales, contributing to a substantial $469,000 in total cart size.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Terpli's seamless integration facilitated 270 new loyalty member sign-ups, cultivating a dedicated customer base and driving repeat business.

Revenue Surge: Retailers experienced a remarkable average monthly spend increase of 56% for Terpli Users and 29% for Terpli Reviewers, directly impacting their bottom line.

Unleashing CLTV Potential: Terpli's influence on Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) was astounding, boosting it by 118% for Terpli Users and an exceptional 789% for Terpli Reviewers, securing long-term revenue growth. 

Unveiling New Frontiers: Innovating the Cannabis Retail Landscape

Our journey with Terpli is far from over. As we continue to push the boundaries of AI-driven cannabis retail, we have exciting developments on the horizon:

Edibles Recommendations: Terpli will extend its expertise with ChatGPT to provide personalized recommendations for edibles, catering to the evolving preferences of cannabis consumers through Generative AI.

Sponsored Products (Retailer Revenue Stream): Terpli's introduction of sponsored products will create new revenue opportunities for retailers while enhancing product visibility in the competitive marketplace.

AIQ Outreach and Customer Archetyping: Leveraging AIQ's advanced analytics capabilities, Terpli will empower retailers to conduct targeted outreach and customer archetyping, further optimizing engagement and conversions.

Sean LaMarche

Retail Marketing Manager at Fire Station Cannabis Co.

Terpli brings the same budtender experience you know and love in our stores to the online shopping environment. We're excited to bring you cutting-edge technology, combined with the science of terpenes, which will improve access to cannabis products that are right for you!

Sean LaMarche

Retail Marketing Manager at Fire Station Cannabis Co.

Terpli brings the same budtender experience you know and love in our stores to the online shopping environment. We're excited to bring you cutting-edge technology, combined with the science of terpenes, which will improve access to cannabis products that are right for you!

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